

App replaces office vending.

Yumbins are mobile POS-powered self-checkout markets that offer a curated mix of the highest quality and healthiest snacks, beverages and essentials to office employees. Think of us as the Square for self-checkout meets on-site mini-Whole Foods.

Vending is a stagnant $43 billion industry that has suffered from expensive proprietary hardware, onerous payment acceptance and limited (often wildly unhealthy) selection. We replace this hardware with lightweight software that enables customized product selection and seamless checkout. Offices no longer need to sully their breakrooms with unsightly machines selling stale snacks; rather, they can enjoy the clean and minimal retail look of our Yumbins chock full of delicious products.

Initially, we are targeting workplaces where employees pay for snacks, which are the large majority of corporate offices and manufacturing facilities. 1.2M of these sites fall into our target market, of which roughly 50% have vending machines today.