

Papyrus → Parchment → Paper → Padlet

We are easily bored. It's the one thing that unites humanity in 2020. No one wants to read twenty paragraphs of text, or sit through forty verbose slides. Yet, we keep making them, boring everyone out of their minds.

We are building more beautiful and fun alternatives to traditional documents. They're less of a pain-in-the-ass to create, and a lot less waterboard-y to view.

Checkout a Padlet timeline (https://padl.et/timeline), or a Padlet map (https://padl.et/map) to see what we're talking about.

Over ten million people all over the world use Padlet. Most satisfyingly, for millions of kids, Padlet is their first experience of creating things on the Internet.

People say we are improving education. People say we are making them more creative. People say a lot of things.