

New projects

It all began in January 2009 when our founders - wandering digital sage Jof and software guru Benjie - released an innocent little app called PushupFu. The result of countless sleepless nights, numerous rolls of duct tape, a few everyday household objects, far too many takeouts and some epic battles with a kitten... it was released into an unsuspecting world at the entirely inappropriate time of 2am on New Year's Eve.

Soon one app become four, and before we knew it we had lots of happy users and lots of great coverage by all sorts of people such The Telegraph, Wired, O'Reilly and MacFormat. Being a friendly bunch, we took the time to chat with the hundreds of you who said hello, and we found you all had the same problem: gyms were either too expensive, too daunting, too boring or too inconvenient. In other words, a lot of people needed another way to stay active.

And the more people we spoke to, the bigger this problem seemed to be - it was like almost no one was active enough! Big problems require big solutions, so after raising some money from the visionaries at 4iP we amassed a team of the best designers, artists, 3d animators and programmers with the single mission: to improve the fu of the world by making an app so damn good that everyone will want to stay active.

Fitfu allows you to:

Using the accelerometer on your iPhone or iPod Touch, FitFu gives you feedback to help you keep going and reach your goals.

Friends are the key to sticking to your goals, so we've made FitFu social; whether you want to cheer them on, thank them for help or just compare your progress.

The more you and your friends are active, the higher your level and the higher your points. And points mean prizes; unlock new content as you progress.

No more being tied to a games console or a gym, now you can stay active wherever you are - be that your bedroom, your office, a hotel room or in the cabin of your Mississippi boat. (Yes it happens!)

*Lose what you want

Participate with Fitfu at your level of interest - decide to be gung ho, middle of the road, or simply casual.